NCPRO Grant Management System (PANGRAM)


PANGRAM stands for PANdemic GRants and Awards Management and is a customized version of the SAP Grants Management System developed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). 

The PANGRAM system is used by NCPRO Grant Managers and external fund recipients for the following purposes related to grant management:

  • Agreement Creation
  • Project/Agreement Execution
  • Reporting
  • Monitoring/Tracking of Project Progress
  • Research and Analysis

PANGRAM User Welcome Kit

Welcome to PANGRAM! This welcome kit is composed of a collection of materials and essential resources to get you started quickly.

Updated November 4, 2024

Access the Welcome Kit

PANGRAM System Log-In

Please note: Your agency must be registered in the PANGRAM system before logging in. Please submit an External User Access Request Application to register if needed.

External User Log-In for Fund Recipients 

PANGRAM External User Registration

ARPA (and other) fund recipients must be registered in PANGRAM in order to to log in and use the grant management system.

PANGRAM External User Access Request Application

PANGRAM User Guide

Updated August 25, 2022

View the PANGRAM User Guide

November 21, 2023

Intro to PANGRAM and Subaward Attachments

PANGRAM Frequently Asked Questions

Tab/Accordion Items

You will need to use your NCID username and password to access the system.

Please confirm your NCID log-in credentials:

Once logged into the system, you should see the project(s) for your agency. If not, please contact Brenda Smith with the NCPRO Data Team at

Standard agreement numbers start with a “2” and are ten digits long. 

When entering the full agreement number, set the search condition to “Is.” 

When entering a partial version of that number, set the search criteria to “contains.”

Once logged in and on the EBS system home interface page, you should see the section to “Create” requests and reports. Select the appropriate link to start the process.

There is a pending request/report awaiting approval. There can be only one at a time. You cannot submit a new request/report until a pending request/report has been approved.

If you notice discrepancies, do NOT continue. Please contact your assigned NCPRO Grants Manager for assistance.

The “Save” (Finish Later) option does NOT submit for review. In this state, it is still pending in the “In Process” status. If the submission is complete and ready for review, be sure to click “Submit” at the bottom of the form, and you will receive confirmation for the assigned document number with the message for a successful submission.

These are automated, system-generated notices to be sent as weekly reminders. Please disregard if you have already submitted the requested data or if you’ve made your Grants Manager aware of the status of the request.

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