American Rescue Plan Act Information for Local Governments

Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

The ARPA Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (LFRF) provides support to non-entitlement units (NEUs) of local government, which are local governments typically serving a population under 50,000. The Local Fiscal Recovery Fund provides a critical source of relief for these smaller local governments, many of which had not previously received direct fiscal assistance from the federal government since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In North Carolina, local governments directly received $2.7 billion in LFRF. NCPRO disbursed $686 million in LFRF to 521 NEUs, and as of September 9, 2022, Local Fiscal Recovery Funds have been fully disbursed in North Carolina.

U.S. Treasury Guidance

Visit U.S. Treasury's State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds website page for more information, including information for Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government such as:


PROtalks are a video series for NEUs about NCPRO's Pre-Contracting Checklist, Grant Agreement Basics, Eligible Uses for Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, and more. These PROtalks provide guidance to help ensure municipalities are prepared to contract with the State to receive American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (LFRF).