American Rescue Plan Act Information for Nonprofits

Information & Resources

State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Information

This is an introduction to what nonprofits and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) need to know about State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in North Carolina.

Nonprofits/NGOs & SLFRF

American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Fact Sheet for North Carolina

SLFRF Fact Sheet

American Rescue Plan Act Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) for North Carolina



Qualified Census Tracts Information

Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs) play an important role in Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, but how much do you know about them? This is a broad overview of QCTs that provides a historical and practical context for how they can factor into a local government’s LFRF spending.

Qualified Census Tracts Overview

Treasury’s Interim Final Rule includes many explicitly listed uses of Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in relation to Qualified Census Tracts. We’ve compiled them all in one place for you. This list is non-exhaustive but is a great place to see what Treasury specifically includes as eligible expenses.

Qualified Censes Tracts Eligible Uses

Some uses of Local Fiscal Recovery Funds are only eligible when funding services and programs in Qualified Census Tracts, or to residents living in QCTs. Check out a breakdown of some of these uses unique to QCTs within LFRF to learn more about the possibilities.

Qualified Census Tracts Unique Uses