A person's hands are on the keyboard of an open laptop. The word "training" is three dimensionally coming out of the laptop screen with icons surrounding it such as a lightbulb, a bar graph, and gears.

SFRF Subrecipient Monitoring Training


Pass-through entities must monitor subrecipients based on the terms of their state grant agreements and their own organizational policies. Participants will develop working familiarity with a risk-based approach to monitoring, apply techniques for assessing subrecipients, and gain insight into potential problem areas in grants administration. These insights inform how agencies can ensure proper spending of State Fiscal Recovery Funds on approved activities and reduce risk of negative Single Audit findings.

This two-day training will take place at The Friday Center in Chapel Hill on October 18-19 from 9:00am to 5:00pm each day. Each state agency can send up to four (4) participants. The deadline to register is Wednesday, October 12. If you require more than four spots for your agency, please contact Lou Owoc-Edwards at lou.owoc@osbm.nc.gov.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. 
Parking is available at The Friday Center.