SFRF Grants to Local Governments Dashboard

Descriptions of SFRF Grants Awarded to Local Governments

Tab/Accordion Items

Provides funds to the NC Arts Council to provide grants to nonprofit arts organizations to address financial hardships, support programming, and ensure events and facilities are safe for the public

Grants awarded by the State Water Infrastructure Authority (SWIA) to sub-recipients after a competitive application process

DEQ awards that are designated for specific projects

Provides funds for guidance and technical assistance to localities in the administration of Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

Provides funds for the Arts Council to provide grants for economic assistance to local arts nonprofit organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

Provides local governments with grants and expert guidance to improve economic vitality and overcome the unique challenges many rural communities face

Provides funds for grants to local museums or science centers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

Provides funds to the State Library to provide economic assistance grants to local libraries impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

Provides funds to the City of Winston-Salem for the construction of affordable housing units